So I got this sweet new laptop (the one on the right), and by sweet I mean tiny and small. It's made by acer, an euro brand. I have been debating buying a new laptop for some time (3 days). I found myself drooling over this one at Costco on Monday. I kept telling myself, "no Riley, why do you need a new computer?" But then reality struck me light a bullet from a gun! "Of course you need this! It's so small and savvy! BUY IT!" So I did, and I like it! Okay okay, I wouldn't of boug

The Acer One has only 1 gig of memory (it runs Windows XP, so it is the equivilent of running Windows Vista with 6 gigs of ram...), but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in convienence! This slim smooth 2lbs portable treasure fits so easily into my strap bag, and feels as if I am not even carrying it! It has a 140 gig hardrive, but no CD player. The screen is 8.9 inches of pure awesomeness! It also has a built in webcam. Check out this sweet shot I took of Chelsea and me.

So, as you can see, we, and by we I mean I, am very pleased with my recent purchase. I encourage all to consider what it would be like to own such an awesome, and very economical, machine.
I think I have laptop envy. Seriously, though. Sometimes Blake and I talk about ditching the desktop in favor of a laptop. Some days it seems like a good idea, other days it doesn't. Also, we're too cheap to make such a change. Have fun with your new one!
Oh snap. Congrats on the new purchase, I wish I would have known you were looking for a laptop. The aspire one is pretty nice (you can actually put OS X on it) but I would have recommended the DellMini 9, you can get them for $300 (somtimes $250 if you can get a refurb) and its fully compatible with OS X.
Then again you probably don't care about putting OS X on your laptop so it's perfect for you :)
Love the blog! Chelsea should have one! Anyway, Congrats. on your new baby. How much are you selling your laptop for, and do you already have a buyer? Cute pics.:)
Sweet. New toys are always fun.
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