11 February 2011


The past three weeks have been the craziest weeks of my life. Being a parent is hard work! But definitely worth it. I've been around babies a lot, and thought I had a pretty good idea what I was getting myself into. But no, it's totally different when it's your own.

I love my little sweetheart, but I had no clue that one little person could go through so many clothes, burp cloths, and blankets in one day. She is single handedly keeping our washing machine in business. Also, I thought that peeing once the diaper came off was a little boy trait, man was I wrong, my little rug rat has peed on me and Riley countless times. Oh the joys of parenthood!

Chloe is a big fan of tummy time... for about 5 minutes. Luckily I got pictures before the screaming started.

Who can resist that sweet little baby face?

Chloe is starting to become more alert and responsive. It's so fun to watch her eyes move to follow our faces. And today, she realized that her bouncer has toys.

I love this picture because it doesn't happen very often. Chloe does not take naps during the day. What ever happened to the "newborns sleep 20 hours a day" phase? Not my baby. But isn't she a little sleeping beauty? Man, I love that face!


Kristen said...

Super cute pictures! Especially the last one. You guys did a great job. :)

Kelly said...

Looks like you are doing a great job. She is adorable and she looks like her cousins, for sure.

Rachel said...

What a cutie Chels!

Tiffany said...

She is so beautiful! I want one!:D